Write for us

Yes, you. If you are a new author and would want to submit your work to us, you are always welcome to do so. If you feel that your idea has the potential to both challenge our audience as well as progress the industry as a whole, we would be interested in hearing more about it. You don’t have to, however, wait around for a concept that will transform web design to get started. If there is a topic that keeps you up at night, make it your purpose to present readers with a fresh perspective on that matter. Make it your mission.

To be forthright, though, writing for ALA requires a significant amount of effort. Because we want your work to be of the highest possible quality, we will urge you to put up the effort necessary to reach the desired standard. After your work has been reviewed and accepted, members of our team will offer you detailed feedback, and you will work directly with an editor to make changes to your project.

Additionally, there are several advantages to doing so. You will not only have the opportunity to have your work read by thousands of your peers (as well as potential employers, clients, or publishers), but you will also learn a great deal while going through the process. Some of the things you will learn include how to effectively communicate your ideas, how to write, and even more about the subject matter that you initially believed you already knew so much about when you started.

What It Is That We Are Looking For Specifically?

You are welcome to provide a rough copy, a partial manuscript, a quick pitch (one or two paragraphs describing your argument and why it matters to our readers), or an outline along with your submission. If your contribution is more comprehensive, we will be able to provide you with comments that are more pertinent to your situation. Please keep in mind that we will only publish information that has not been published anywhere else, and we will not consider any works that have already been published (including on your blog).

We would appreciate it if you would refrain from sending any press releases or sales pitches to us. They leave us feeling miserable on the inside after being around them.

Before you send in your post, you should consult our style guide and the most recent articles for some tips on how to arrange and structure your work. Additionally, you should double verify that your entry includes the following:

It is not merely a collection of ideas and recommendations; rather, it provides an argument that makes sense and a declaration that serves as the paper’s thesis.

  • Can talk. Be bold, interesting, and human in the way that you approach things.
  • Is geared for a readership that may include designers, developers, content strategists, information architects, or readers with a professional background that is comparable to that of the target audience.
  • It is founded not just on the author’s point of view, but also on compelling grounds. It is important to double-check the details and cite reliable sources wherever possible.
  • Maintains the writing style that we strongly suggest.

The process of writing is discussed in further depth in the essay titled “Writing is Thinking,” which can be found here. You may also read the piece titled “So You Want to Write an Article?” to find out more about the common issues that we come across in submissions and how you can prevent yourself from falling into those traps.

What It Is That We Put Out There?

We publish articles that can be anything from 600 to 2,500 words long, depending on the complexity of the subject matter being discussed. The average length of an essay is around 1,500 words. The use of specially commissioned artwork commonly accompanies articles. You have the option of giving your articles a relaxed tone and content, which works well for blogs and tutorials that are not as in-depth, or you may give them a rigorous structure and edit them thoroughly. All of them should be in-depth examinations of trending topics that are currently being discussed in the internet business community that have been well investigated.

We Are Looking For New Material To Submit In The Below Categories

Artificial Intelligence + Write for us 

Technology + “Write for us” + Guest Post 

Cryptocurrency + Write for us

Finance write for us

Tech blogs write for us

Entertainment write for us

Technology submit guest post

Tech write for us Guest Post=> 

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